The Outsider’s Edge™

Fuel Performance, Forge Belonging,
and Create Cultures that Win!

Keynote Speaker

Speaker Reel

Lakshmi Keynote Speaker

Exceptional teams and companies—like yours—work tirelessly to bring the best talent to the table.

But unlocking that potential quickly and consistently isn’t always easy.

The result?

Your people feel undervalued and underutilized, and productivity, performance, and morale take the hit. 

With 30 years of experience leading, coaching, and researching teams, Lakshmi brings you The Outsider’s Edge™—a proven system to unlock the power of 'different' and help teams thrive by turning potential into performance, connection into belonging, and challenges into growth. 

Trusted by:

Lakshmi’s Areas of Expertise

The Outsider’s Edge​™

Creating Cultures That Win

Dare to Lead​™

Increase Employee Engagement
with The Outsider’s Edge

Low employee engagement costs the U.S. economy $1.9 Trillion a year.
That’s the business math.

The human cost of lost purpose, creativity, and connection? Incalculably higher!

The Outsider’s Edge™ shows you how to reinvigorate your people and boost engagement, resulting in:

Engagement data:

Let’s unlock the power of different together.​

Interested in partnering? Fill out some quick info, and we will be in touch shortly!