We all know what it feels like to be an Outsider–weird, different, alone … too this, not enough that … unseen, untapped, unfulfilled. Feeling like an outsider myself for decades and looking back, I realized I wasn’t the only one feeling this way. 

I observed it in nearly everyone I’ve met; friends, family, co-workers, employees, and clients across my over 30 years of business experience. This feeling was so pervasive and so simultaneously damaging that I called it The Outsider Syndrome

And I became curious about how it shows up at work and impacts two things I’m super passionate about–performance and culture. 

And as I dug deeper, I found that it isn't just pervasive at work–it’s also at the heart of these really tough challenges that we all struggle with and that profoundly impact both our well-being and bottom line.

I have been an Outsider my entire life…

In fact…

The Outsider’s Edge is a powerful 3-strategy framework
that shows leaders and teams
how to Unlock the Power of Different to: 

Fuel Performance - Drive Belonging -
Create Cultures that Win 


It’s time to re-think the impact
belonging has on
Performance, Productivity, and Profitability.